We’re long past the dark days of early COVID. But times are always uncertain and scary for some business owners somewhere. If that’s you today, the offer to be of service still stands.


Life changed. For me it was last Thursday when it finally registered. Uncertainty and fear now stalk the country. They lodge inside the brain of the small business owner. I know because they’re in my head as well. During the past week, I’ve had rough conversations with clients:

  • “Two thirds of my revenue just vanished. What do I do now?”
  • “How much cash am I going to need to ride this thing out?”
  • “Can I still afford Peter, Susan, (insert name of valued employee here)?”
  • “Can my business survive?”

How we respond to these events will define us as business owners, as leaders, as humans. I take pride in being of service to my clients, to my family, to my community. During these difficult conversations, I have realized that my firm has a gift of service. The flashlight of clarity.

We have begun to help our clients quantify the impact of the pandemic. Looking at their client base, re-examining spending, creating emergency cash flow plans. The conversations have been hard, emotional, and appreciated. My clients tell me that inserting clarity into their anxious nightmares is oddly comforting.

Perhaps you’re reading this and find yourself somewhere between “oh crap” and “what am I gonna do?” I’m writing to offer you an act of service. A free call to discuss your options. Mull over decisions. I know how lonely life as a small business owner can be – I am one. I’m here to relieve your isolation. An experienced numbers guy and a good listener.
Email me. Call me. Let me be of service.

Walter Miller

Schedule time with Walter: https://calendly.com/schedulewithwalter