Tools for Those in the Driver’s Seat of Small Business

Take a peek at some resources that borrow from some of the knowledge and best practices of financial experts at Norman Professional Services!

Check back often as more resources will be added!

Quickbooks Online Config Review


Complete a short questionnaire to see how well your QuickBooks Online instance aligns with NPS best practices. Get a PDF with your QBO Score and a summary of where settings are on point and of where improvements can be considered.

Financial Ratio Dashboard


Financial ratios make it simple to compare your business to others in your industry, regardless of business size. Fill in your information to get a point-in-time PDF dashboard of key financial ratios that are among the most vital for a business owner!

Accounting System Check Up


Does your business adopt best practices when it comes to accounting? Whether it’s customer invoicing, payroll, vendor bills, or your accounting system, some tips can always help! Complete this form to see how your accounting system stacks up.

13-week Cash Flow Forecast



Need help projecting your bank balances? Use Norman Professional Services’ 13-week Cash Flow Forecast spreadsheet to help you forecast your money in and money out so you don’t have to sweat in the moment about payroll or major expenses!

Norman Professional Services

NPS is proud to remotely serve small businesses across the United States with outsourced CFO, financial analysis and tracking, and outsourced accounting services. If you think we may be a good fit to help your organizations's goals or if you'd like to learn more, please fill out our contact form or contact us via any of our communication channels below.

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