Outsourcing: When to Use an Outside Resource for an Inside Job

Outsourcing: When to Use an Outside Resource for an Inside Job

When people ask what NPS does, I say, “We’re the guys in accounting. All those activities that end in the phrase ‘walk it over to the number crunchers’—that’s us.” We’re an outsourced Accounting Department, from bookkeeper to controller to CFO. Outsourcing is a...
Chart of accounts can deliver clarity to your numbers

Chart of accounts can deliver clarity to your numbers

As an English major who wandered into accounting, I often tell people I help clients understand the stories behind their numbers. Who’s the hero? Who’s the villain? Where are we in the plot? And if the story of your business is headed toward tragedy, how can we play...
QuickBooks – Desktop vs Online – Which is for you?

QuickBooks – Desktop vs Online – Which is for you?

When I was a boy I recall asking my Dad questions like “Which is better – Cubs or Sox? Or mountains versus oceans for a vacation? Or stick shift or automatic for a new car?”  And whenever my question basically boiled down to a choice between two equally...
Drafting a strong accounting team

Drafting a strong accounting team

I was watching a few innings of a baseball game the other day.  I was taken back to a time when I tried to explain the game to one of my kids.  My daughter had played one season of soccer.  In that game, everybody’s job was to kick the ball in the goal.  Pretty...