The True Cost of Not Doing Job Costing

The True Cost of Not Doing Job Costing

The owner of a marketing communications business—let’s call her Christine—was sitting across from me. She cradled her head in her left hand and sighed. Then she looked over at me with large, pleading eyes and said, “My people have never been busier. But in the 10...
Do You Have a “Splitting “Headache?

Do You Have a “Splitting “Headache?

An accountant walks into a bar . . . No, it’s not the beginning of a corny joke. It describes a visit I once made to a client. Her books were in shambles. She was bouncing checks right and left. She never had as much money in the bank as she thought she should. And...
Gross Profit Margin – Gateway to Sustainable Positive Cash Flow

Gross Profit Margin – Gateway to Sustainable Positive Cash Flow

True story ahead. Years ago I was at a client’s office closing up the books for the month. I’ll call this client Fred to save him some embarrassment. Fred ran a successful business, with consistent positive cash flow. He had recently implemented some pricing changes...