Are You Afraid to Change CPAs?
Most small and mid-sized business owners rarely change accountants—even when they should. There was the owner who was completely surprised to learn he owed $42,000 more in taxes than he expected. Another who received a nasty compliance letter out of the blue. And one...
How to Prevent Your Staff from Stealing Your Hard-Earned Dollars
We already looked at a profile to help identify thieving employees. Now let’s talk about prevention. That Won’t Happen in My Company! The first hurdle you need to overcome is this mindset. It’s why so many thieves get away with stealing so much for so long. Here’s the...
Start Loving Your Budget Process
Call me a nerdy numbers guy, but at NPS this isn’t the holiday season, it’s the budgeting season. Did your eyes glaze over at “budgeting”? Did your brain immediately go to “I can’t be fenced in by some bean counter, telling me how many pencils we get to buy next...