Do You Have a “Splitting “Headache?
An accountant walks into a bar . . . No, it’s not the beginning of a corny joke. It describes a visit I once made to a client. Her books were in shambles. She was bouncing checks right and left. She never had as much money in the bank as she thought she should. And...
Outsourcing: When to Use an Outside Resource for an Inside Job
When people ask what NPS does, I say, “We’re the guys in accounting. All those activities that end in the phrase ‘walk it over to the number crunchers’—that’s us.” We’re an outsourced Accounting Department, from bookkeeper to controller to CFO. Outsourcing is a...
Do You Have Your Company’s “Number”?
Every business has a number. Now I’m the numbers guy, so of course I’d say something like that. I’ve even written before about key performance indicators (KPIs) and how crucial they are to managing any business. I’ve discussed the ways in which numbers help our...