How Much Time and Money Are You Wasting Doing Payroll In-House?

How Much Time and Money Are You Wasting Doing Payroll In-House?

“It’s not rocket science.” That’s what I frequently hear from business owners after asking, “Why in the world are you preparing your own payroll?” It turns out there’s a disconnect: between how simple a task may be, and how appropriate it is to do it yourself. Is It...
How to Prevent Your Staff from Stealing Your Hard-Earned Dollars

How to Prevent Your Staff from Stealing Your Hard-Earned Dollars

We already looked at a profile to help identify thieving employees. Now let’s talk about prevention. That Won’t Happen in My Company! The first hurdle you need to overcome is this mindset. It’s why so many thieves get away with stealing so much for so long. Here’s the...
Chart of accounts can deliver clarity to your numbers

Chart of accounts can deliver clarity to your numbers

As an English major who wandered into accounting, I often tell people I help clients understand the stories behind their numbers. Who’s the hero? Who’s the villain? Where are we in the plot? And if the story of your business is headed toward tragedy, how can we play...